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OUR Services

Our services are specifically developed across four complementary disciplines to deliver cost-effective improvements in performance, relationships and outcomes. 


We are able to work on a retained, fixed term, ad-hoc or project basis. as well as being able to act on an interim basis.

Image by Headway
Image by Tim Marshall
Image by Adem AY

Crisis Management & COMMUNICations

Communications teams within sport work in a high-pressure environment as a result of the 24-hour news cycle, social media and the high profile of sport.  We know from first-hand experience how much organisations and individuals can benefit from independent, external advice and how challenging it can be without it, especially for over-stretched and under-resourced comms managers.


Big agencies come with a big price tag, but Moya Sport can provide you with cost-effective, results-driven support you can trust in the knowledge that, whatever issue you’re going through, we’ll have been there before too. 






Our communications principals are founded on accountability and the importance of being able to admit when you’ve got things wrong.  We firmly believe that reputations are built by deeds and actions, not by simply trying to influence stakeholder perceptions and public conversations.


Examples of areas where we can provide specialist support:


  • Crisis management planning and preparedness, helping you identify and mitigate the risks you face to ensure you are ready and able to manage crises when they do occur

  • Crisis and issues management response, helping you to anticipate and prepare for issues and navigate challenging situations and protect your reputation when issues arise

  • Strategic communications planning and general PR advice

Roderick Moore, Barrister

Paul is the ultimate professional... His ability to combine soft and hard skills in the provision of solutions make him the true operator that he is.”

Integrity SERVICES

Integrity and Disciplinary teams are often over worked and under-resourced.  We provide expert advice and support across the spectrum of sporting integrity and regulatory issues to increase your capabilities, improve your processes and enhance your decision making.  


We understand how integrity investigations actually work.  We know what direction an investigation is likely to take, where to go for the experts, what practical steps have worked in the past AND most importantly the need for immediate action.


Examples of areas where we can provide specialist support:


  • Advising on and implementing integrity policies and processes, in particular anti-doping and integrity investigatory work

  • Review, audit and analysis of existing rules, policies and risks

  • Working with legal teams, individuals, regulators or representative bodies on strategy, approach and media relations on disciplinary cases

  • Designing and implementing educational programmes

Timberly Williams

Rory Mac Neice, Partner, Ashfords

“Paul is an essential part of any team engaged in an integrity investigation.  His thoughtful and focused approach has a knack of unlocking an investigation.  Always a pleasure to work with, having Paul on side significantly increases the chances of a successful outcome.”

Welfare & DUTY OF CARE

All too often sporting organisations, especially governing bodies, are accused of not caring enough or doing enough about player welfare.  We are here to help you walk the walk and not just talk the talk when it comes to your Duty of Care.


We are passionate about, and vocal advocates for, athletes’ physical and mental welfare, with extensive experience of working with partners and specialist providers on bespoke support structures.   


Examples of areas where we can provide specialist support:


  • Review, audit and analysis of existing welfare and safeguarding rules and provision, including risk assessment and risk management

  • Advising on and implementing welfare policies, protocols and initiatives, particularly around concussion, mental welfare and safeguarding

  • Designing and implementing safeguarding and behavioural Codes of Conduct

  • Designing and implementing educational programmes

Brendon Batson, Chair, Professional Players Federation

“Paul brought a huge amount of experience of athlete wellbeing as the inaugural Chair of our Mental Health Committee, helping to drive forward shared learning and initiatives across multiple sports.”


Relationships between sporting bodies and their athletes can fluctuate and there will always be some natural friction.  Yet many continue to under commit to building a relationship with their athletes.


We can help you improve and enhance relationships, bringing sporting bodies and athletes closer together.   Our extensive experience means we can offer practical, effective strategies and solutions based on the key principals of honesty, integrity, transparency, accountability and fairness.  












Ryan Moore, Professional Jockey

"Paul transformed the PJA’s communications with the members and our standing in the industry, was always available and I trusted his judgement and advice completely."
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